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Multimodal transportation

Multimodal or intermodal cargo transportation — transportation of goods under one contract, performed by at least two types of transport. The carrier is responsible for the entire process of delivery from point A to point B, even if completely different types of transport are involved (for example: railway, sea, truck, aircraft).

Our benefits:

  • transportation of basically any type of cargo;

  • the ability to deliver cargo from and to anywhere in the world;

  • ability to use different routes and delivery schemes.

Interesting fact about multimodal transportation

The carrier does not have to own all possible vehicles - in practice this is a very rare phenomenon. Transportation is usually performed by sub-carriers (in maritime law they are called real carriers). The carrier responsible for multimodal delivery is called a multimodal transport operator (MTO).

The carrier does not have to own all possible vehicles - in practice this is a very rare phenomenon. Transportation is usually performed by sub-carriers (in maritime law they are called real carriers). The carrier responsible for multimodal delivery is called a multimodal transport operator (MTO).
мультимодальні вантажоперевезення з України та до України

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